We publish a termly SEND newsletter by email for families. If you would like to receive this, you can subscribe by visiting our sign-up form below. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Information for families on the support available in schools and colleges, as well as Education, Health and Care assessments and plans.

Health and wellbeing
Where to go to find support with health and wellbeing, including mental health support.

Children's social care
Find out what support is available from Children's Social Care teams in Suffolk.

Preparing for adulthood
Information on preparing for adulthood, including work, benefits and community.

Advice and support
Local and national sources of impartial advice, support and guidance for families.

Short Breaks and Leisure
Activities and groups for young people with SEND, and Short Breaks Personal Budgets.

Most popular pages
Top visited pages over the last 30 days
Contact a team
Visit our contact page to learn how best to contact the various teams who deliver Education, Health and Social Care SEND Services within Suffolk.

The Source
For information, advice and sources of support for young people in Suffolk, visit The Source website.