Suffolk Infolink have directory listings for all schools and education settings in Suffolk, including special and independent schools, which you can filter by age or type.

Looking for a list of mainstream schools, school term dates or closures?

Choosing a school for a child with SEND
Suffolk SENDIASS have published some information to help parents choose a school for their child with additional needs. You can read it on their website.

SENCO Central
SENCO Central is a webpage dedicated to supporting SENCOs. It includes guidance on Education, Health and Care Needs Assessments, Annual Reviews, High Needs Funding, SENCO training events and links to additional support services available to schools like the Specialist Education Service, the Psychology in Schools Team and more.

Looking for home-to-school transport?
Suffolk on Board arrange home to school transport and offer maps, fares and more, including travel training for young people with SEND.
Suffolk Family Information Service (FIS)
The Suffolk Family Information Service offers free advice about childcare, early education for 2,3 and 4 year olds, and a range of services such as helping you choose the type of childcare most suited to you and your child's needs, helping you search for childcare providers, and helping families who are struggling to find a childcare place.