Suffolk Local Offer

General NDD, Autism and ADHD resources

Local and national support for young people with neurodevelopmental disorders and their families.

What is a neurodevelopmental disorder / condition?

Please find below a brief explanation of the different definitions for common terms related to neurodevelopmental disorders:
Neurodiversity describes the different thinking styles that affect how people communicate with the world around them. It is an umbrella term which can be used to describe a range of neurological differences. Neurodiversity is a characteristic of the whole population, not a specific individual.
A neurodivergent person is someone whose brain function in selective areas (such as learning, attention, emotions, impulses, sensory processing, and social behaviours) falls outside what is perceived as normal. For each individual, these differences can provide strengths, challenges, both, or neither. They do not necessarily have a neurodevelopmental disorder.
Neurodevelopmental disorder/condition (NDD)
NDD is a term used for individuals whose brain functioning in selective areas such as learning, attention, emotions, impulses, sensory processing, and social behaviours, are at an extreme for their age, which significantly impacts their ability to perform tasks and activities in their daily lives.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
ASD and ADHD are both diagnoses within the broader category of neurodevelopmental disorders. For a diagnosis of either ASD and/or ADHD, it requires the child or young person to have pervasive difficulties in multiple areas which impacts their daily lives. If your child or young person has needs within one or two or these areas, it may be that an ASD and/or ADHD assessment is not appropriate. Similarly, many difficulties associated with ASD and/or ADHD, can be due to other causes.

These organisations work to support children, young people and families with neurodivergence or neurodevelopmental disorders:

Family Action West Suffolk NDD Support Service
Support for parents and carers in West Suffolk who have a child or young person awaiting a neurodevelopment assessment
Family Action logo
Family Action Norfolk & Waveney ASD/ADHD Support Service
Providing support and advice to families living in the Norfolk & Waveney area whose children are waiting assessment.
Family Action
Suffolk Family Carers Differences Project
Whole family support as part of the Neurodevelopmental Differences Pathway.
Suffolk Family Carers Logo
Autism Anglia
Provides care and support to autistic children, adults, and their families in East Anglia.
Autism Anglia
Ambitious about Autism
A toolkit for parents, carers and professionals.
Ambitious about Autism
Autism Central
Autism Central offers guidance and virtual resources to families, carers and personal assistants of autistic people.
Autism Central
Child Autism UK
Child Autism UK is an autism charity which provides information and support for parents of autistic children.
Child Autism UK: Releasing Potential
National Autistic Society (NAS)
Advice and guidance on a wide range of information about autism.
National Autistic Society
Wellbeing ADHD Course
Courses designed to support those with ADHD or who experience symptoms of neurodevelopmental conditions
Wellbeing, helping you live your life

You may also find the support services listed on these pages helpful

Top Tips to support neurodivergent students

Our SEND Young Persons Network have produced a poster with some top tips to support neurodivergent students. Download the original poster as a pdf here.

What do you think? Would you add anything? Let us know on

Top tips for supporting neurodivergent students poster