Suffolk Local Offer


Working together to improve mental health services for young people
Particip8 poster - details in text on page

Particip8 are a group of people with a personal interest in mental health for young people and a passion for improving mental health services.

Whether you’d prefer to be part of a group, have one-to-one sessions, or share your ideas and experience by email, WhatsApp or phone, Particip8 would love for you to join them.

You can be involved as little or as much as you would like and with the things that are important to you. Previous projects have included reviewing the language of letters and ensuring these are young person and carer friendly, interviewing staff, sharing experiences of crisis services, art projects and helping with the development of educational courses.

Below are some podcasts recorded by young people who are part of Particip8:

To find out more, email, text or call 07342 066589 or message via WhatsApp.