Suffolk Local Offer

Behaviour Safe at Home

Behaviour Safe At Home supports parents, carers and family members living with children who display extreme behaviours, to improve the safety of everyone.

The focus of the programme is on early intervention, to help prevent the behaviour escalating and to reduce the need for restrictive interventions. Meaningful and focused guidance is given to help parent/carers make appropriate positive choices when managing difficult behaviours.

Two-day courses will be delivered by Bellscroft Consultancy on the following dates:

  • 29th April & 6th May 2025
  • 10th & 17th June 2025
  • 8th & 15th July 2025
  • 16th & 23rd September 2025
  • 14th & 21st October 2025
  • 18th & 25th November 2025

No courses run in August or December.

We are in the process of arranging New Training Dates with courses due to start back in April 2025

Please ‘Save the Date’ and check back for Booking instructions nearer to the time. No Pre-bookings can be taken.

Booking will open approximately 6 - 8 weeks before each individual course commences.

Due to the popularity of these courses, please ensure you can commit to the 2-day face-to-face training programme by arranging time off work and planning childcare in advance. Courses run from 10:00am until 15:00pm on both days.

Spaces are limited and we often have a waiting list – if any unexpected circumstances should arise after booking please do let us know so we can offer this space to another parent/carer by emailing us at