Suffolk Local Offer

Eye Arts Club

The arts club organises projects for children and young people aged 7-17.
Provider: Eye Arts Club
Location: Eye, Stradbroke, Framlingham, and Debenham
Time: Usually 5 to 7 sessions per term, Saturday morning

Projects are for children with and without additional needs, and include dance, movement, puppets, film, animation, masks, costumes & visual art.

Eye Arts Club provides a sympathetic and supported setting for children and young people with additional needs, owing to learning or physical disability, sensory impairment, autism, health issues or in care, to socialize, have fun and participate in arts and performance activities. Tutors are professional arts practitioners with experience of working with people with additional needs, trained in disability awareness and sensory activities. Siblings and without without additional needs can enjoy activities together.

Support level: 2-3
Age Group: 7-17
Contact: or 07963 512549
