Suffolk Local Offer

Suspensions and Exclusions

Find out more about suspensions, exclusions and the In-Year Fair Access (IYFAP).

If your child is struggling to attend school, or if they have been suspended or excluded, we understand you may have many questions and concerns. 

Please note: In this guidance the word 'suspension' is used to refer to what legislation calls an exclusion for a fixed period. Suspensions and permanent exclusions are both types of exclusion, and where this guidance uses the word 'exclusion' this includes both suspensions (fixed-period exclusions) and permanent exclusions.

Exclusions, both permanent and fixed term, should only be used as a last resort when other measures have been tried and been unsuccessful. Exclusion should only be the first response to a child’s behaviour in exceptional circumstances (for example in the event of an assault, the supplying or taking of illegal drugs or threatening someone with a weapon).

It is never appropriate, nor is it legal to exclude a child for minor infringements, especially where such rules are more likely to disadvantage one gender, or ethnic group, faith or culture such as:

  • Breaches to school uniform
  • Wearing of jewellery

Permanent Exclusions

Permanently excluding children from school is always a last resort and the decision should never be taken lightly, particularly for children with Special Educational Needs and in other vulnerable groups. Schools should seek advice and support from the Local Authority before taking this step.

The Children’s Commissioner advises these thresholds for exclusion, which need to be met before exclusion is considered:

Excluding a child from school should only happen in order to:

  • Protect the health and safety of the individual;
  • Protect the health and safety of others; or
  • Prevent disruption to learning

You can read more about the legal steps a school or setting must take when considering an exclusion here: School Discipline and Exclusions |

In every instance where a pupil is sent home for disciplinary reasons, the Headteacher, or the teacher in charge, must formally record and specify the length of the exclusion. Schools have a duty of care towards pupils.

  • Schools must not use unrecorded or ‘unofficial’ short-term exclusions to “allow children to cool off” or if the head teacher does not consider school the most appropriate place for the rest of that day.
  • There should never be a situation where pupils are sent home and not allowed to return until after a meeting has taken place with parents
  • Pupils should never be sent home without parents/carers being made aware
  • Parents should not be asked to keep children at home for a period of time because of a threat of permanent exclusion

What do I do if my child has been illegally excluded?

If you believe your child has been illegally excluded from school you can contact Suffolk County Council using the following email:

Suffolk County Council will acknowledge your email within 3 working days. A Local Authority Officer will contact the Headteacher; discuss it with them and work towards a resolution. If, for whatever reason, the Local Authority Officer is unable to resolve the issue with the Headteacher, this will be escalated to the Chair of Governors (or equivalent).

If you would like further impartial, confidential Information, Advice or Support to help you resolve issues around unofficial exclusions and school SEND support you can contact SENDIASS – or 01473 265210.

For more information around exclusions go to the pupil attendance page of the Suffolk County Council website.

In-Year Fair Access Protocol (IYFAP)

If your son/daughter is being excluded on a regular and increasing basis from school, their school may have mentioned IYFAP to you. This protocol aims to ensure that any child or young person who is without a school placement in-year is allocated a school place as quickly as possible. Further information and protocols/guidance can be found here.

You can also request more information from the Family Services Team to discuss your own situation. In the first instance, please contact business support in your local area on the numbers below:

West Suffolk: 01284 758806

North Suffolk: 01502 674720

South Suffolk: 01473 264465

They will pass your details to a Family Services Officer who will call you back in due course.