Suffolk Local Offer

Post-16/18 education

As young people move towards adulthood, new education opportunities become available.

Many students will attend mainstream courses, some with extra support. Post 16 providers offer a wide range of courses for students at all levels, including support for students with additional needs.

16+ education options
All young people are required to stay in learning until the age of 18. However, that learning can take place in different settings.
18+ education options
Young people entering adulthood have a number of opportunities for further and higher education available to them.
Benefits and grants
When a young person turns 16, it's important that they get advice on what benefits they may be entitled to. These benefits will affect some benefits that are paid...
Transition EHCP Reviews
From Year 9, annual reviews of EHC plans should include a focus on preparing for adulthood
Personalised post-16 programmes
Even with effective support, some young people with the most complex needs may find it difficult to progress straight into a post-16 learning environment.
Travel & transport
In addition to home to school transport, other schemes to support with independent travel are available.