Suffolk Local Offer

18+ education options

Young people entering adulthood have a number of opportunities for further and higher education available to them.

There are a wide variety of options available to young adults in education, including college, higher education and more.

Education options for young people aged 18+

  • further education at a local FE college or independent training provider – this can be full time or part time depending on the course you choose and your personal circumstances.
  • apprenticeships or employment with training, including supported employment.
  • higher education (HE), including higher and degree level Apprenticeships.

What are the post-college options for young people with EHCPs?

Young people with EHCPs are entitled to education up to the age of 25 if they are continuing to make educational progress. If a young person is told by an education provider that they have reached the end of their education there as there is not an appropriate follow-on course for them, this doesn’t mean their overall education has to come to an end. If the young person wishes to continue in education and they have potential to make further educational progress, you can look at alternative educational provision.

We would recommend initially that you speak to your education provider and discuss this in your EHCP Annual Review for advice and support on seeking alternative providers. If you need further support, please speak with your named Family Services officer, who will be able to advise you. Only Suffolk County Council Family Services can formally end the young person’s education and cease their EHCP.

If the young person has an EHCP but is not able to make any further educational progress or no longer wishes to be in education, or if they are aged 25+ and their EHCP has been ceased, there are various alternative options that may be useful to explore: