Young carers often don’t ordinarily have the opportunity to socialise with friends or enjoy a day trip out. Monthly clubs and holiday activities give young carers a break from their caring role, the opportunity to have some fun, be a young person away from their day-to-day responsibilities and gain peer support from other young carers who understand the challenges caring can bring.
Suffolk County Council commissions Suffolk Family Carers to deliver support services for Young Carers up to the age of 18.
The service helps young carers have a break from their caring role, reduce feelings of isolation, helping them create friendships, gaining peer support, build their confidence and raising aspirations for the future. Improving emotional wellbeing for young carers is a key part of the work Suffolk Family Carers does. Their work in schools and colleges supports the Raising the Bar objectives to raise educational attainment in Suffolk. They also work directly with families and Social Services to identify and help reduce inappropriate caring roles. Their team of professional Advisers undertake assessments and reviews with the young people who are registered with the service. They also support other professionals who work with young carers, such as school nurses and pastoral staff in schools and colleges.
This is achieved through differing levels of support following a needs-based assessment.