Despite research showing them to be amongst the most reliable and loyal of employees, people with learning disabilities are also the most excluded group from the workplace, with just 6% in employment (against an overall employment rate of 78%).
With the right preparation and support, the overwhelming majority of young people with SEND are capable of sustainable paid employment. Supported internships are a great opportunity to improve the life chances of young people with SEND by supporting them into employment and developing their skills, confidence, community and independence, and they also bring benefits for the economy, employers, families, the local community and wider society.
We are committed to increasing the number of young adults with additional needs and learning disabilities in supported internships in Suffolk, need more employers to commit to hosting work placements.
We understand you might have lots of questions about how it all works - we've tried to answer some of the things we get asked most frequently below, but if you would like more information or would like to talk more about hosting a supported intern, please do drop us a line on and we'd be thrilled to talk it through with you with no obligation.